Featured Project: Good Samaritan

The need for refugee support and help has continued to grow and there has been a special need in Salt Lake City for a home where not only refugees but all people of the community can come together to learn and grow. So in 2018 when the Good Samaritan Foundation called on Lawn Butler we […]

Cancer Wellness House of Utah

In 2016 we partnered with the Cancer Wellness House of Utah to help raise $2,000 in cash and $8,500 in professional labor and products. We were able to provide a beautiful and safe re-landscape environment for their facility. In all our teams installed new shrubs, trimming and care of trees, installations of several dozen trees and […]

Random Acts with BYU TV

Our charity project in 2015 was done for a local resident in Bountiful. We helped Random Acts with BYU TV upgrade a locals yard who was in need.          

Layton Elementary School

Our charity project in 2014 was done for Layton Elementary school. The school which is located in Layton Utah is a title one school, which means that over 40% of the families that go to this school live below the poverty level. Many children’s residence is a travel trailer and some children are living out […]


In 2013 we partnered with the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) to help raise $13,000 in cash and $20,000 in professional labor and products. We were able to provide a beautiful and safe landscape environment for their facility.

Featured Projects: Veteran Affairs

For our 2012 project we decided to help the men and women who protect our country every day. These men and women risk their lives so that we can live in this wonderful country we call home. Our project was broken into two areas’ the first was a home remodel for a wounded Veteran who […]

Featured Project: Davis County Animal Shelter

In August of 2011 we provided a Dog Park for the Davis County Animal Shelter. At the Davis County Animal Shelter they take stray dogs, cats and other animals and try to adopt them rather than having to euthanize the animals. This enclosed park will now allow for families to take dogs outside and interactive […]

Featured Project: Palmer Court

Palmer Court is a part of The Road Home organization. This is where people that have become homeless can go and live until they can get back on their feet. In the fall of 2010 we helped be a part of the Peace Garden landscaping project. This is where we installed a beautiful custom paver pathway, […]